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Why Book Direct

Complimentary room Upgrade on Arrival * subject to availability

Best Rate Guaranteed

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Free Wifi

Evening Turndown Service

Complimentary Mineral Water

Set in a private 700 acre estate of woodland, rivers and walks in the heart of Connemara Co. Galway

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Ballynahinch Castle Blog


Dienstag, 27 Juli 2021

Interactive Garden Nature Experience  

Interactive Garden Nature Experience

We were delighted to participate in an Interactive Garden & Nature Experience presentation last week organised by Katie Daly's Ireland along with Original Irish Hotels & Parknasilla Resort.Thanks to the 100 US travel trade...

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Dienstag, 27 Juli 2021

White Chocolate Iced Doughnuts Recipe  

White Chocolate Iced Doughnuts Recipe

Our chefs have shared their amazing recipe for their white chocolate iced doughnuts. These doughnuts are your perfect guilty pleasure!IngredientsFor the doughnuts550g plain flour14g dried yeast50g caster sugar125g milk100g water2 free range eggs 50g ...

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